Healing The Witch-Wound
Maiden, Mother, Crone : 3 part Course

Event Details
The Witch-Wound presents itself as a psychological, generational trauma that women hold, relating directly to the historical atrocities of the witch, the witch-hunts and the unjust oppression, accusation and persecution of women. Whilst the height of the witch-hunts was centuries ago, the lasting legacy manifests into apprehension and internalised oppression in wanting to explore, practice and outwardly identify as a witch. In this 3-part series, Niamh will guide you through an illuminating and insightful journey in 'Healing the Witch-Wound' through academic and practical knowledge, history, feminism and self-practice. Niamh is a PhD Research Student specialising in Witchcraft, Earth-based Spiritualities and Feminism. Both her BA Hons & MA explored witchcraft and she is fervid in reclaiming witchcraft & seeking justice for the women that went before us. Part 1: Maiden In our first part we will explore the Maiden archetype of the sacred 3 (Maiden, Mother Crone) and how the witch-wound manifests into society's expectation of the ‘young-woman’. The maiden will also signify our journey in understanding witch-history from the beginning, exploring the myth of the Great Goddess, the witch-hunts, tackling the woman/witch conflation. In this part we will begin to unpack our healing of the witch-wound, and get to know the seasons of the Wheel, herbs, moon phases etc, that symbolise the Maiden. Part 2: Mother In this part we will explore the Mother archetype, addressing the construction of the mother and the expectation of women in this role. Continuing to heal the Witch-Wound, we will embrace the earthly symbolism of Mother, exploring how to work with the earth and corresponding seasons to ignite our Mother archetype...adding to our historical knowledge and learning about the Feminist Spirituality Movement - the movement that birthed Wicca/Modern Witchcraft - Mother symbolism. Part 3: Crone In our final part, we will explore the most important archetype, Crone. The Crone is the victim of much historical denigration, but she is the most important and esteemed stage in our life as women: full of knowledge & wisdom, here we will break free of the Witch-Wound, by navigating the power of witchcraft through the knowledge and mastery of everything that has been used against us as women, resulting in witch-accusation: magic, divination, menstrual cycle, menopause, the moon, herbs. Each session will be a mixture of learning, self-practice & discussion
10 spots left
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Cancellation Policy
Courses can be cancelled up to 48 hours prior to the course start date, refunds for courses cancelled within 48 hours will be non-refundable unless the course place can be filled. Refunds can not be issued once the course starts or for any part of the course you are unable to attend. Our Trauma Informed Yoga Courses can be cancelled up to 7 days prior to the start date, we are not able to refund the course after this date unless we are able to fill the space. We are not able to offer any refunds for any missed sessions of any of our courses.